4-week, In-Class Courses

Our certificates in TEFL and TESOL are world-renowned and our courses are designed to prepare trainees for the teaching profession in their home countries or abroad.
In-class courses last for four weeks and are held at our training centers throughout the world. Our emphasis is on practicality, so you know you will be prepared for the classroom once you have earned your certification. There is no need to speak any language other than English and through our course, we will show you the value of an English-only classroom and how to facilitate your lessons through the communicative approach, which is an international standard.
Apply Today for a TEFL Course
Our only requirement is that applicants be aged 18 years or more and possess fluent English skills. Course content is uniform throughout the world and does not vary according to location. Our in-class courses are intensive; however, our trainers will help every trainee in accordance with their individual needs and all trainees will have sufficient time to work on the course as well as to explore the local area and culture.
The course is divided into six main areas:
1 Teaching Practice
This is what makes our In-class and combined courses so great. It's the most practical and fundamental area of training and many consider it to be invaluable. You'll teach real students and put your new-found skills into practice immediately, so you can see exactly how to perfect your teaching.
2 Foreign Language Experience
So you can better understand where your students are coming from, we provide trainees with instruction in an unknown language. This way, you'll have a better idea of what it's like for your students when you're teaching them English, and of course, become a better teacher because of it. Plus, you'll get an introduction into a new language.
3 Language Awareness
Grammar: Here we'll cover tenses, parts of speech and other language points. We'll teach them to you as well as show you how to teach your students through easy-to-follow lessons and fun activities.
Phonology: Here we'll cover pronunciation through learning how to use the International Phonemic Alphabet, intonation, word and sentence stress, as well as articulation.
4 Student Profile
Each trainee will be asked to meet with an individual student so as to work on rapport building, error analysis and correction, as well as addressing individual needs. Three meetings are required for the profile and they will culminate in a one-to-one lesson, after which, the trainee will write a report about the lesson.
5 Teaching Techniques
This aspect of the course covers several areas:
- Lesson planning
- Classroom management
- Establishing rapport
- Discipline in the classroom
- Managing equipment and teaching aids
- Creating materials
- Correction techniques
- Evaluation and testing
- Teaching vocabulary
- Teaching grammar
- Teaching receptive skills (reading and listening)
- Teaching productive skills (speaking and writing)
- Games in the classroom
- Songs in the classroom
- Teaching beginner students
- Teaching individual students
6 Materials Project
Here, trainees are required to take raw materials and convert them into materials useful for the classroom. The trainee will be charged with designing a game and constructing materials to accompany the game. These games must be original and will help to foster the teacher's creativity and resourcefulness. Projects should be durable, reusable and adaptable. Once finished, you'll present your game to a trainer, who'll make suggestions on how to improve the game before actually using it in the classroom.
Please click on the links below for further information about our individual course locations.