Study Tesol Online

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TEFL TESOL: One-on-One Study sessions - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Throughout the training, every trainee has the opportunity to engage with local EFL students at our training center. Our Surabaya center is a full functioning English language schools with a large student base. Every trainee will complete the training course with up to 10 hours of teaching practice with local EFL students. These sessions include regular classroom lessons with a group of EFL learners as well as one-on-one study sessions with individual students. The goal of these small sessions is to determine the individual student's needs creating a detailed student profile.  [Read more]

What can I do with a TEFL degree? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

First we will look at the different levels of study currently available and how they relate to the world of TEFL qualifications. Taking the UK as an example, there are nine qualification levels; examples of actual UK qualifications at each level are given below: From the above, we can see that a degree in TEFL/TESOL is at level 6 and is therefore a very high level of study in the English teaching world. A few examples of such Level 6 courses are shown below: If you have a TEFL/TESOL degree the most obvious use of it would...  [Read more]

Can I get a B.A. in TEFL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you want to meet the criteria laid out for most online or overseas TEFL jobs, then you will need to complete a standard 120-hour TEFL certification course as a minimum. Anyone who dreams of earning a higher salary or applying for management level positions will typically need an advanced qualification such as diploma. However, teachers who want to get to the very top of the EFL tree will probably need to think about completing a Bachelor's Degree in TESOL. ITTT does not operate its own degree course, but we are able to recommend a good option. The Bachelor of Education in TESOL (B.Ed TESOL) from the Paris College of International Education offers a very convenient and affordable way to gain a high-end, internationally recognized teaching qualification. This is a 120-credit degree...  [Read more]

Can I get a M.A. in TEFL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Even entry-level teaching jobs usually require applicants to have completed a standard TEFL certification course of around 120 hours. Teachers who want to take another step up the employment ladder often choose to take a higher level qualification such as a Diploma in TESOL. However, if you are seriously interested in reaching the very top of the TEFL job market, completing a master’s degree will certainly be a big help. ITTT does not oversee its own master’s degree course, but we do have a popular option that we can recommend. The Master of Education in TESOL (MEd in TESOL) from the Paris College of International Education provides a practical and affordable route towards gaining a highly regarded, internationally recognized qualification. With this qualification in your pocket you...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Ittt Tefl And Tesol Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Get TEFL or TESOL certified and teach English abroad! Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. The two main topics of this unit were conditionals and speech for reporting what has previously been said. Compared to the previous grammar units, this one appears to be more difficult due to the fact that there are many ways that the verb tenses can change depending on what is used, excluding any exceptions. Examples on activities to perform with students...  [Read more]

How much does TEFL certification cost? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The cost of TEFL certification can vary significantly depending on the specific course, study method, and course provider. At ITTT, we offer a range of TEFL courses with different durations and study methods, which means there isn't a single fixed price for our TEFL certification. Here are some considerations regarding our TEFL course pricing: When choosing a TEFL course, it is essential not to base your decision solely on price. While cheaper courses may seem attractive, it is important to consider whether the course content is in-depth enough to fully prepare you for a teaching job abroad. Employers typically expect a high standard of TEFL qualification, so completing an internationally recognized TEFL certification from a reputable course provider is crucial to enhance your job...  [Read more]

370-hr TESOL diploma course with tutor (TEFL/TESOL Certificate & Diploma) - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The online Diploma in TESOL course is our most advanced online certification. The course is a very popular option as it adds a high-level qualification to your CV/resume that allows you to apply for more prestigious teaching positions that typically offer a higher salary and greater responsibility. The diploma course begins with our standard 120-hour online TEFL certification course which looks at all the basic subjects required by new English teachers. Because of this, the diploma course is open to first-time teachers and those with some existing teaching experience. There are many good reasons to take our online Diploma in TESOL course, including: The course is divided into 11 separate modules as outlined below: All course modules require roughly 21 hours of study. The final summative...  [Read more]

How long does the TEFL 120-hour course take? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are a full-time student or employee, figuring out when you will fit a brand new 120-hour TEFL certification into your schedule can be difficult (especially if you are looking at completing it on-site overseas). The good news is that you can take as long as you want to get your TEFL certification. Structured on-site TEFL courses have start and end dates, so determining how long it will take to complete a TEFL course is as simple as determining the program dates. However, our 120-hour TEFL course can be completed entirely online, thus giving you all the flexibility you need to make it happen on your own terms. As this course is self-paced, it really depends on your own personal learning style and the amount of spare time you have available to study. As a general guideline, the typical...  [Read more]

Should I get TEFL certification online? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Opting for online TEFL certification has become the most popular choice among our trainees worldwide. When asked about their reasons for selecting an online course, trainees provide a variety of responses. However, one common advantage cited by many is the convenience of being able to complete the training from any location of their choice. With an internet connection, you can study at home, during work breaks, or while traveling. Another major benefit of online learning is the high degree of flexibility it offers. ITTT's online TEFL courses have no fixed study timetable and no mandatory online sessions; you have the autonomy to determine when and how much you study. The schedule is entirely under your control. For comprehensive information on all our online course options, please refer to...  [Read more]

how do i choose a tefl course that fits my career path? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

When choosing a TEFL course that fits your career path, there are several factors to consider to ensure you make the right decision. The first step is to determine your career goals and aspirations within the field of teaching English as a foreign language. This will help you identify the specific skills and knowledge you need to acquire through a TEFL course. One important factor to consider is the accreditation of the TEFL course. Look for courses that are accredited by recognized bodies such as the British Council or TESOL International Association. Accredited courses are more likely to be recognized and respected by employers, both domestically and internationally. Additionally, consider the course content and structure. Look for a TEFL course that covers a wide range of topics...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Dima - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Dima from Ukraine is planning to use his 120-hour certificate from ITTT to teach English to children in China. In this TEFL review, Dima recommends the course for those who want to learn how to teach English professionally around the world. ITTT?s online TEFL and TESOL courses will give you the skills you need to teach English successfully. Our certificates are internationally recognised and enable you to find work as an English teacher almost anywhere in the world. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips...  [Read more]

Are online TEFL courses worth it? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Online TEFL courses come in many shapes and sizes and their popularity continues to grow year after year. The convenience of being able to study in your own time from wherever you are in the world is one of the biggest attractions of this form of study, as is the relatively low cost. However, before you make a final decision on which type of course suits you best, it is advisable to have all the facts to hand. The subjects covered in our 120-hour online TEFL course and our in-class TEFL courses are virtually identical. The one area that clearly separates the two versions is observed teaching practice (OTP). Our in-class courses include extensive time in a real classroom where you can practice your teaching skills under the guidance of experienced trainers. As a consequence, in-class...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Ogsun - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  OgSun from South Korea took the 120-hour online TESOL with tutor support and videos. In this TESOL review video OgSun tells how she had always wanted to take a TESOL course but struggled to be able to fit studying into her already busy schedule. The online course from ITTT solved this problem by allowing her to study where and when she wanted. With a six-month time limit and the ability to study anywhere, ITTT?s online courses are ideal for those who need to fit their study time around their busy schedules. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design...  [Read more]

What TEFL qualification do I need? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

TEFL and TESOL courses can be taken online, in-class or as a combined course (mixed online and in-class training). An internationally recognised TEFL qualification should contain at least 120 hours of externally validated study. Depending on the visa rules of the country that you would like to work in, a degree may also be necessary. More information about BA and MA TESOL programs can be seen on our Upgrade your Qualifications page. There are some clear advantages to taking an in-class TEFL course. The main benefit comes from the observed teaching practice sessions and the confidence that is instilled in new teachers. Face-to-face instruction also gives the TEFL trainer more opportunity to impart their knowledge and guide the trainee on areas that they feel are particularly important. The...  [Read more]

What are the TEFL levels? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you have already done some research into TEFL courses you might have noticed that they are usually given a level that places it somewhere on the hierarchy of available courses. This type of organization makes it much easier for teachers to compare different courses and to choose the best options to suit their own situation. However, the first thing to make clear about TEFL course levels is that there is not just one framework, as many countries and individual teaching organizations have developed their own versions. Despite this, the vast majority of frameworks are designed using the same type of criteria, which means that most are very similar in design. Although each framework might vary slightly, most are constructed based on the type of study, the hours involved, whether they are...  [Read more]

How much does it cost to get TEFL certified online? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Completing a TEFL certification course online has been a very popular option for some time as it is a much more convenient approach than an in-class course for many people. If you have any existing commitments that you cannot leave behind, such as work, study, or family, an online TEFL certification course provides a great way to get qualified while working from home in your own time. The other major benefit of an online course over an in-class course is the financial outlay. The bottom line is that an online TEFL certification course is an affordable route into teaching English as the course has far fewer overheads than a traditional classroom based course. There is no one straight answer to this question as TEFL courses tend to vary in length and difficulty, and therefore price. The...  [Read more]

What is the highest TEFL qualification? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

When it comes to ranking educational qualifications by their difficulty level, many countries have their own ranking system. For example, there are 9 different levels that courses can be classed as within the UK. Level 1: GCSE - grades 3, 2, 1 or grades D, E, F, G Level 2: GCSE - grades 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 or grades A*, A, B, C Level 3: A level Level 4: Certificate of higher education (Cert HE) Level 5: Diploma of higher education (Dip HE) Level 6: Degree with honors - for example bachelor of the arts (BA) hons Level 7: Master’s degree, for example Master of Science (MSc) Level 8: Doctorate, for example doctor of philosophy (PhD or DPhil) Depending on which National Qualification Framework (NQF) you are referencing, you may...  [Read more]

What is a TEFL exam? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

First we need to define what TEFL means before looking at the various ways in which it can be examined to provide a teaching certificate. There are various locations in which a TEFL exam can be taken and different methods of instruction, these will also be considered. The acronym TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and it can be used in any situation where the English language is being taught to non-native English speakers. Technically speaking, TEFL refers to teaching English in countries where English is not the native language. It is a term used mainly in the UK and is used interchangeably with the equivalent USA term TESOL. As with any profession, teaching has a series of exams at different levels. Within the world of ESL the entry level examination for teachers is...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Tesol Review From Gina - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this TESOL review video, ITTT course graduate Gina from South Africa shares her thoughts on taking online TEFL courses with ITTT. She really enjoyed the flexibility of the course and loved that she could study at her own pace outside of her full-time working hours. She also liked the fact that ITTT has excellent reviews and is very transparent in their outline.  [Read more]

How to teach EFL - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language and is to almost all purposes the same as ESL, English as a Second Language. These two are also equivalent to ESOL which means, English to Speakers of Other Languages. For each of these terms, when we talk about the teaching of them, we add a ‘T’ to the front of each acronym and hence we arrive at the terms TEFL, TESL and TESOL. As they are basically the same we will refer to just one from here on, TEFL for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language and EFL for English as a Foreign Language. Almost all TEFL teaching positions require a minimum qualification of a 100 to 120-hour TEFL certification. Courses provided to cover this certification are usually delivered by one of three methods, namely, onsite courses, online courses and combined...  [Read more]

who offers the most flexible tefl certification? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

When it comes to choosing a TEFL certification program, flexibility is a key factor to consider, especially for those with busy schedules or specific needs. Several institutions offer flexible options to accommodate different preferences and circumstances. One of the most flexible TEFL certification providers is ITTT (International TEFL and TESOL Training). ITTT offers a range of online courses that allow students to study at their own pace and in their own time. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for those who are working or studying full-time and need a program that fits around their existing commitments. Another flexible option is BridgeTEFL, which offers both online and in-person courses. The online courses are self-paced, meaning students can start at any time and study at a...  [Read more]

How long does it take to get a TEFL certificate? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Although this is a common question, it is hard to answer as it depends on which course you choose to take. There are a wide variety of TEFL courses available, both online and in-class, and some that are a mixture of the two, and every one has its own average completion time. At ITTT we have developed a range of TEFL course options of varying length, difficulty, and study method to ensure there is something to suit every individual situation. TEFL courses are typically classified by the average number of hours they take to complete and if you look online you will find some courses advertised at around 50 hours or even less. If you have no other commitments and are able to study every day, it would be possible to finish this type of course in less than a week. However, it is worth noting...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Manuel Efl - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Manuel from Germany took ITTT?s online 120-hour TESOL course. In this TESOL review video; Manuel describes how, as a father of two small children, the format of the course enabled him to study on his own terms. With six months to complete the course, ITTT?s online TESOL courses are a great option for those with busy schedules, allowing you to study whenever and wherever you are able to do so. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This has been a...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Ruth - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Ruth lives in Nicaragua and took the 120-hour online TESOL without tutor support from ITTT. In this TESOL review video Ruth discusses what she enjoyed about the course. She found the course units to be simple and easy to follow and particularly liked the teaching ideas that the course provided to help her teach language concepts in more varied and interesting ways. She also benefited from the job help provided at the end of the course. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Review From Tefl Student Ken - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this TESOL review video, ITTT course graduate Ken from the US shares his thoughts on the course. He enjoyed the flexibility of the online course and loved that he could study at his own pace and time. He especially loved learning about the ESA methodology of teaching and is sure that he will be able to use all of the things he learned in the course in his own classroom.  [Read more]

what are the differences between tefl and tesol certificates? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

TEFL (Teach English as a Foreign Language) and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certificates are both valuable qualifications for those looking to teach English to non-native speakers. While they share similarities, there are key differences between the two. One major difference lies in the target audience. TEFL is typically geared towards teaching English to non-English speakers in countries where English is not the primary language. On the other hand, TESOL covers a broader spectrum and includes teaching English to non-native speakers in English-speaking countries as well. In terms of curriculum, TEFL courses often focus on practical classroom skills and teaching English in a foreign language context. TESOL programs, on the other hand, may delve deeper into...  [Read more]

English Grammar Present Continuous For The Future Tesol Certification - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  To be successful teaching English overseas you will need to come up with interesting teaching ideas for your students. This video from one of ITTT's online TESOL certification courses outlines a teaching idea for the present continuous when it is used to talk about future plans. In this activity students are given a diary and have to interview each other about their future plans. For example: Student A: "What are you doing on the 6th?" Student B: "I'm having my hair done." Students keep asking and answering questions until they find a date when they are free to meet. This idea can also be adapted to use with past tenses. On ITTT's TESOL certification courses not only will you learn how the different tenses in English are formed and used but you will also learn interesting...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Julia - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Julia completed the 370-hour Diploma in TESOL and the 50-hour young learners course with ITTT. In this TESOL review video, Julia tells us how studying the courses online and without tutor allowed her the freedom to study at her own pace giving her the freedom to study and look after her two children at the same time. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. I thought grammar wasn't easy to teach. After this unit,I know we can't only focus on grammar...  [Read more]

How much does a TEFL course cost? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

As there is no standard content or fixed length required for a TEFL certification course, individual providers are free to design their own courses and set whatever fees they see fit. The best advice is not to choose a course simply because it is the cheapest one available. Yes, you can find TEFL courses on discount websites for as little US$49 but will they be accepted by employers in the region that you want to work in? And will they properly prepare you for life in a real classroom? If you want to ensure that the answer to these questions is YES then you should look a little deeper than just the price. In-class TEFL courses usually involve 4-weeks of intensive training that comprehensively covers the most important aspects of English language teaching. During the course you will...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Tesol Review From Polina - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  This TESOL review is from Polina. She is from Greece and recently completed our 120-hour online TEFL/TESOL training course right next to the beach at home. She found the course to be very interesting and learned a lot of new things. She is excited to use her new learned skills at the end of the year when she is going back to the capital city of Athens to work with new clients. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. I have learnt about Classroom...  [Read more]

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