At ITTT we are committed to providing the very best value for money in the field of TEFL certification. As part of this commitment, we offer a variety of special offers on a regular basis. One of our most popular offers is the addition of a free course when you sign up for certain courses. You can claim a free specialized or advanced TEFL certification course by joining one of our in-class or combined TEFL courses, as well as our best selling 120-hour online TEFL certificate course with tutor support. You will also be eligible for a free course if you choose one of our great value course packages. The 170-hour TEFL course with online specialization, the Master Package, and the Professional Package all include a free course when you sign up for the tutored version. By completing these free courses you will add extra weight to your job applications without spending a single cent.
Another way to get great value is by signing up for one of our TEFL courses with friends or colleagues. If you know other people who share your dream of teaching English at home or abroad you can get a significant discount by signing up together. Take advantage of this great offer and you will all have extra cash in your pocket to get your journey started. Before you part with your hard-earned cash, visit our Special Offers page to check if there are any options that will save you money and increase your future job prospects.
What are Specialized TEFL courses?
If you take a look at our Special Offers page you will find that we regularly offer a free specialized TEFL course when you sign up for one of our most popular in-class or online TEFL courses. These courses are designed to give you a more in-depth knowledge of specific areas of the EFL teaching world in order to expand your understanding and increase your employability. For a clear explanation of what these courses provide, take a look at our FAQ: What are specialized TEFL courses?
Want an Advanced Level Qualification?
In some cases we also have the option to choose an advanced level Diploma in TESOL as your free course option. The Diploma course is the highest level qualification we offer and it is designed to take your teaching knowledge and job prospects to the next level. For an overview of this free course option, check out our FAQ: What is the TEFL/TESOL Diploma course?
While you are there you can also browse through over 200 other commonly asked questions in our FAQ section and find out the answers in straightforward and easy to understand English. Whatever you need to know about teaching English at home or abroad, we have the answers at ITTT.