Alameda, California TESOL Online & Teaching English Jobs

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified in California? Are you interested in teaching English in Alameda, California? Check out our opportunities in Alameda, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English in your community or abroad! offers a wide variety of Online TESOL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
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Classroom management is a skill used by teachers in organizing and managing the class while maintaining discipline. Using of eye contact, gesture and voice helps the teacher in managing classroom. When grouping the class for activities, the teacher can decide if students will work alone, with a partner, group or whole class. If organizing the position of the students inside a classroom, factors like age, nationality and personality of the student as well as the space available and the type of chairs/tables being use should be put into account. There are also some other classroom management issues that must be considered. Issues like writing on the board, giving individual attention, teacher talk time, giving instructions, rapport building, and discipline within the classroom. When writing on the board, a teacher cannot avoid turning their back from the class but the amount of time can be lessened by using strategies. A teacher must give everyone the same amount of attention. No student should dominate and when asking questions use an unpredictable order. Teacher talk time is very helpful as it is usually the real model for correct use of language but it also reduces the opportunity of student talk time. That's why TTT should be minimize by using mime, gesture, pictures, and etc. Also, talking at the student’s level or below to avoid elaboration. In giving instructions use common terms as often as possible and check if students understand the instruction by asking them what they will be going to do. Establishing rapport between the teacher and student (and between student themselves) will help the class to be more enjoyable and successful. Maintaining discipline in the classroom by showing students that the teacher is fair, punctual, prepared, man of action, respectful, responsible, and enthusiastic. In terms of problematic behavior, the teachers must act immediately before problem can get worse.