Allis, Michigan TESOL Online & Teaching English Jobs

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified in Michigan? Are you interested in teaching English in Allis, Michigan? Check out our opportunities in Allis, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English in your community or abroad! offers a wide variety of Online TESOL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Here Below you can check out the feedback (for one of our units) of one of the 16.000 students that last year took an online course with ITTT!

The final unit wrap up the course with different problematic situations and how to deal with them most properly. The most common situations are usually when the teacher first meet the class, whether it is a new group of students or an existing group where students know each other well, or when the level of students knowledge of English vary and the teacher must use different strategies to help weaker students while preventing stronger students from boredom. First lesson is the best time to establish rapport both between teacher and the class or among students. The teacher must try to warm up the class and gradually attract students instead of suddenly starting to teach. another situation for teachers to face with is classes with large number of students.Some techniques are explained here to successfully manage large classes. How to handle students when they revert back to their native language or reluctant students who refuse to participate in class activities are other issues that are explained with solutions to solve them.